A Scientific Approach To The Culture Wars

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Mistakes Americans Make Concerning Voting

Even some very accomplished Americans don’t know enough about voting to protect themselves or the rest of us. Take, for example, the 2000 Presidential…

MAY 23 •

The Abortion Police

Those of you who know someone who is firmly in favor of stopping abortions need to understand that some laws make problems worse. The amendment to the…

MAY 16 •

Is it the Protesters or the University that Have Lost Their Way?

Most universities seem to be in the rut of believing it won’t happen here. However, there’s much universities can do to assist their students, more than…

MAY 8 •


Protesters Protect Yourselves, Not Hamas

If you think all Palestinians are evil or all Israelis are evil, you’re out of your depth. You have no idea what you’re talking about. If you engage in…

APR 30 •

Inflation, Homelessness, and Crime

Many potential voters blame President Biden for what they consider as an inflation rate that is too high. Others consider inflation as a kind of…

APR 24 •

Thinking Outside the Box: Getting Munitions to Ukraine

NATO countries are intensifying their efforts to resupply Ukraine and bolster their defense capabilities, but these efforts alone are insufficient. The…

APR 15 •


Thinking Outside the Box: Hamas’ Tunnels As Their Prisons

The need to think creatively about the tunnels is a response to the many 2000-pound bombs dropped by the Israelis on highly populated Gaza. The fact…

APR 8 •


MARCH 2024

Biden Should Demand a Debate With Trump

Biden’s State of the Union message greatly encouraged Democrats, but how many non-Democrats witnessed his fiery performance? Piercing some anti-Biden…

MAR 30 •


What Science Says About the Creation of Babies At Conception

The Alabama Supreme Court used a case involving frozen embryos to claim that a zygote (fertilized egg) was a child. The Court stated the defense of this…

MAR 24 •


Could the White Supremacist’s Nightmare Become Reality?

Is It Possible For Non-whites To Take Over The Country? Even though it wouldn’t be possible, let’s just think of what might happen if the nightmare held…

FEB 16 •


Can The White Race Be Saved?

Are White Persons A Race? Everybody knows what it means to be white, or do they? Geneticists tell us that even though there are races amongst some…

JAN 22 •


JUNE 2023

Using Pawns to Take Over A Democracy

The Threat From Within Like dictatorships, Democracies are vunerable to military invasion. But, Democracies can be even more vunerable to internal…

JUN 3, 2023 •

APRIL 2023

A Very Dumb Idea

One of the dumbest things a person can do is to generalize a whole population from a single case. Such a person is thinking, for example, that the…

APR 24, 2023 •


Using Pawns to Take Over A Democracy

The Threat From Within

Like dictatorships, Democracies are vunerable to military invasion. But, Democracies can be even more vunerable to internal take-over than dictatorships. I said “can be more vunerable” because this vunerability for a democracy exists mainly under the following circumstances.


Large religious and racial divisions make a society vunerable to an internal take over. The reason for this is that the unscrupless can exagerate the divide. For example, the very wealthy can spread the idea that one religion or race is exploiting another. The reason the very wealthy might exagerate a divide is to draw attention away from their explotation of the whole society. They may not use this form of deception, but if they do it often works.


Another source of conflict arises from dominators who advance their own power and presitge by formenting conflict. Dominators are persons who seek power and prestige by lies that generate fear on one side of a divide. They hope to become leaders or otherwise profit from promoting fear. During the ensuing conflict the fear turns to hate and the conflict intensifies. The losers in such conflict are everyone besides the very wealthy and the successful dominators.

The Pawns

Those who have developed a hatred for others are struggling with what they perceive as a good and necessary fight. Yet, this fight leaves them economically worse off. Still, they may feel real accomplishment as they pursue the lies they have been told about supposed moral issues. These are the pawns that the wealthy and dominators think of as fools, but who they need to reach their own ends without concern for anyone else.

Protecting Yourself

If you have not considered the possibility that you might be a pawn in someone elses manuvers, you should. If you determine that you are not a pawn and actually are pursing a noble cause you can consider your efforts worthy of your sacrifices. However, at any one time there are millions of pawns. You owe it to yourself to examine your situation carefully. Being played as a pawn has many disasterous consequences so you do not want to allow yourself to be used.

Follow the Money

In weighing your situation keep in mind that Pawns will not have the money nor will those persons who are the objects of hatred. Consequently, follow the money. Some of those who have it are gleaful to have pawns and laugh all the way to the bank. You do not want to be their unwitting servant.

Beware of Hate

Beware of those who preach hate. They will tell you your body and even your way of life is in grave danger. They will insist that this threat must be met by action and sacrifice. As realitic as their impending doom sounds, looking at the data and talking to your enemies should alert you to the fact that what your leader tells you is not the truth.

Pawns In a Cult

Most people are sure they could spot a cult a mile away and would never get involvd. Yet, there are about twenty million people in various cults in the U.S. at any given time. And with the political rise of Donald Trump there are tens of millions more. Cults allow theirt leaders greater power over their flock while those in the flock remain convinced that they themselves are still fully in contol of what they are doing. Not only does this become a form of slavery, but very importantly cults are notoriously difficult to leave. Being sucked into a cult can happen to almost anyone under the right conditions. Consequently, a person in a cult is clearly the cult leaders pawn. When you are told something that you passionately wanted to hear, you may think you have finally found your place in this world. Unfortunately, if you are unaware that you are being told lies, you may in fact be a pawn stuck in a cult.

The Death of a Democracy

Democracies are a way of sharing power among its citizens. But sometimes those citizens willingly give up that power and bring about the death of their democracy.

A Very Dumb Idea

One of the dumbest things a person can do is to generalize a whole population from a single case. Such a person is thinking, for example, that the attitudes of one woman are the attitudes of all women. Or saying blacks are like this or blacks are like that as though everyone in the population of all people called black would be alike. Yet, another example would be someone thinking Jews control the economy when most Jews are not wealthy. Of course, this kind of thinking is often used when one feels that someone is unfairly keeping them down. The stupidity becomes clear when one follows the money. One would find that most billionaires are men, white, and Protestant, and most of the haters of other people are men, whites, and Protestants. Thus, this thinking would conclude that men, whites, and Protestants should hate themselves. Of course, that would be logical based on the assumption that all population members are alike. Since they are not all alike, thinking they are is dumb, and action based on a dumb assumption means trouble for the actor.

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